
Our family welcomes you to our website that features important information on teenagers and young adults who are struggling with ADD or ADHD. ​
Attention deficit disorder runs in both our families, so we have had a lot of first-hand experience coping with its challenges. Currently all three of our children and all five of our grandchildren have been diagnosed with either ADD or ADHD. So my husband and I are personally aware children, teenagers, and young adults with ADD or ADHD present unique challenges for parents, teachers and counselors.​
Parenting our sons was probably the most humbling, yet rewarding, experience of our lives. Now that our sons and daughter are grown and coping successfully with ADHD, we have developed this website to share information with other families and professionals. Hopefully, you'll learn from both our mistakes and our successes.
My family and I bring you a message of hope plus send best wishes during these difficult teen years!​
Chris A. Zeigler Dendy and her family, author of the best selling book, Teenagers with ADD, ADHD and Executive Function Deficits. 3rd ed. (120,000 sold)
The Importance of Educating Youth about their ADHD!
Educating teens, preteens, and young adults about their attention deficit is critically important yet difficult to achieve. Our book and DVD combination on the topic of ADHD are an excellent option for educating young people. Not surprisingly, we have found that teens and young adults are more likely to listen to their peers in a DVD than their parents or doctor.
Because so few materials are available, we have developed several resources that may help other families cope with this challenging condition. Currently four books, two videos plus our popular ADHD Iceberg poster are available to you from this website.